Pathway teaching

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Amongst all the chaos....

Divine Light and Love to everyone!

Amongst all the chaos, there is a really beautiful thing happening, an increasing of Source Light and Source Love in us all. It is happening in a perfect way even though we may not realise it.

As we all expand our Antakarana or Light Bridge to Source, our new 15 chakras (and more) continue to expand, clean and open. As the Spirit guides help with this cleaning, especially if we ask for it and we can see what we need to heal, be it emotional, mental, physical or spiritual. It is our choice of course if we wish to choose fear over love and we all have a journey which sometimes is only seen by us and sometimes is not seen at all until a wake up or trigger happens in our life. Please remember with all this clearing and fast paced transiting we can all judge and you really cannot see another’s journey until you have actually walked in their shoes so ask the Angels for help to keep your heart open – maybe the people or person just needs your prayers? See the exercise of healing relationships below too!

What you will begin to notice as you become clearer and are centred in your heart you will be so open to the synchronicities of life. You will be able to allow Source right through you, whether it will be an act of kindness, love, compassion or truth it is becoming easier for Spirit to merge with you and you to be a vessel for them (the Ascended Energies of Source).

How you do know when this happens?

It is sometimes nothing to do with your train of thought but you will feel an expansion of love in your heart and sometimes you will see a flow of Source Light.

Beauty will move through you and touch other people, you will be totally in the flow of life, where all your decisions have a lightness to them and an expression of joy.

Nothing feels heavy in this realm and you heart is open.

This is also where you help the elemental beings and their magic draw even closer to you as the lightness of joyfulness and play can bring their alchemy into your being i.e. you are not blocked. Sometimes certain guides cannot reach us when we are very serious or in our “stuff”. It’s not that they can’t hear you, when you are asking, they can, its just you can’t feel them or hear them when your vibration is lower. Remember any time you are below 200Mhz in vibration nothing you get will be clear. Your inner sight, feelings, hearing and knowing can all be clearing patterns so you will not get clear information for your client and it is so important to let it go. There is nothing as important as working on yourself as this way you become a clearer and more useful vessel for Source.

Sometimes people need help to move through their traumas and pain and the transitions of life, we find shamanism one of the best ways and energies like Rahanni Celestial Healing to help bring in the Lightness and Love. Listen to your heart and be drawn to where the lightness flows.

We wish everyone a very powerful and blessed year, the light is increasing rapidly so hold on to your hats and ride the wave!



An affirmation in times of change:

The intent is that all energies released go back to their proper place in the Universe with out judgement and that all healing is healed at the original and first place so that all subsequent patterns are removed. You can bring in the Violet Flame with Archangel Zadkiel, Amethyst and St. Germain.

I call on my beloved I AM Presence and all my ascended helper team in Spirit aligned to my Higher Self to come in now and completely clean my aura, ground me, fill and surround my energy field with the golden white light of Christ Consciousness. I call back 100% of my Power in its whole, healed and pure form, I call back 100% of my soul and soul fragments in their whole, healed and pure form. I give back all energies that are not aligned to my Higher Self and I demand that they are returned to their proper place in the Universe in Perfect Timing and Full Grace. I ask that all cracks or trauma stored in my crystal body is healed completely. I ask that all my energy centres are realigned for my Highest good and recalibrated for me now. I ask for anything that I need that helps me to align to the truth of my Higher Self and I AM Presence to be done now. I ask my I Am Presence to completely adjust my energy field exactly as it is meant to be right now. …. Pause…… All asked for in Perfect timing and under Full Grace. It is done Beloved I AM. It is done Beloved I AM. It is done Beloved I AM.

While you are doing this you can visualise your self filling up with white gold light and pink in the heart. This white gold light has all the other colours in it so your Higher Self will naturally bring in exactly what you need for the day.


Exercise of healing relationships:

If something personal has happened to you with someone and you either can’t talk about it or arn’t ready to talk about it you can do this exercise:

Call on the other person or persons Higher Self/ves to be held in a column of Source white gold light. Put yourself in a column of Source white gold light and call upon the Guardians of the 5th Dimension and above to protect and hold the space as well as Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Archangel Raphael and Mary and Archangel Michael and Faith. You can also call on the Ancestors in Heaven that love you and that are aligned to your Higher Self and the Ancestors of theirs that love them and are aligned to their Higher Self to help. If you can see Spirit look into Spirit and observe what they show you if you can’t that’s ok just do the exercise and know it will be in the ethers and answered like a prayer.

Talk to the persons Higher Self and tell them how they made you feel, you can then pause for an answer again don’t worry if you can’t yet communicate with Spirit they are helping you.

You can say the Ho’opponopono prayer with intent “I am sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you, I thank you, I love you and I release you now”. Say this three times as 3 times is Divine Truth. Say what resonates if it doesn’t, don’t say it.

Don’t deflect any negative emotions at the person but release them with the breath, with exercise or movement, as you do not want to attract any karma to yourself.

See them moving back to themselves as you ask yours and their Higher Selves to adjust your energy field exactly as its meant to be right now.

You can repeat all relationship healing for 21 days as this will remove original patterns.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Love and Divine Blessings.