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Soul Retrieval - The coming back to Wholeness

At the deepest level we are being called back to the Oneness that we are. We are integrating and healing the deepest aspects of ourselves as we raise our vibration to that of the 5th dimensional Universal Source of Love. Anything that needs to heal will come up and a strong aspect of this in the journey back to ourselves is the power of Soul retrieval.

Soul retrieval is a bringing back of aspects of ourselves that are missing. These missing parts left because of trauma as sometimes part of the soul leaves the body and hides away in the fear and is afraid to reconnect with the person. The shamans or therapists job is to heal the trauma and to bring back the soul part to make the person whole again.

Things like addictions, multiple personalities, stuck in a rut, constantly sick, going from one sickness to another, reaching outside for whats missing inside, numb, not feeling alive, not being present and many more can be symptoms to show that soul retrieval is needed.

There is also power loss and warrior loss and in some cases part of the soul can be fragmented in the other worlds.

On the coming back of the soul sometimes it can be strongly felt that a burst of emotion will surface, in others cases it is very gentle.

This video with Grey Elk helps to explain Soul Retrieval: Hope you enjoy!

Soul Retrieval Video with Grey Elk

Love and blessings and may you find the truth and wholeness within you.