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Welcome to Pathway teaching!

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Courses to Heal Your Heart and Soul

The philosophy of Pathway teaching is to help people to heal themselves and to become empowered to walk the path of their soul purpose in peace and joy and with an open heart. We aim to achieve this through teachings, initiations and healing primarily from shamanism through the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies. Also through Rahanni Celestial Healing, kambo, energy healing and natures remedies. All our courses are certified by the International Practitioners in Holistic Medicine (IPHM).

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Teach us love, compassion, and honour
that we may heal the Earth and heal each other
— Indian Prayer

About Pathway teaching

We are based in São Miguel, Azores and Eire (Ireland) from time to time.

The name of Pathway teaching came from a tree Spirit during a meditation. At Pathway teaching our work is about helping you to heal your heart and soul. To become empowered to do the work you came to do as a soul.

Pathway teaching is made up of Grey Elk (Igqirha (shaman) Paul), White Feather’s Woman ((Medicine Woman & Water Rose Priestess) Melanie) and our dear friends Nadja Schreurs and Sarah Cohen (therapists, and Sarah is a Sacred Medicine Bead Carrier).

Why is Pathway teaching a small “t”?

The “t” in teaching is a small t because we are sharing in circle as equals. You are as important as any one else in the community. It is not like teaching when you were at school. Everyone in the circle has soul medicine to share as such it is a small “t” as it represents sharing wisdom from the heart rather than lecturing from the mind.


Services We Offer


Book With Us

Book a one to one appointment, a Land, House and Premises Healing (in person or via distance), or a workshop or retreat with us. Spiritual mentoring is also available.


Online Learning

Purchase an online course or join us for one of our online seminars. These are coming soon! Join the newsletter to keep up to date!


Upcoming Events

Have a look at all the exciting courses, workshops and retreats we have for you, including in the Azores archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean!

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Train with the
Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies


What is Shamanism?

To us, shamanism is a connection to the Earth, the Stars, the Ancestors, and ourselves. Ultimately, it is a connection to All That Is and the knowing that we are all One. It is the journey of us becoming whole again as we remember who we really are. It is the journey of the spiritual warrior into our hearts. More and more people are being called to walk the shamanic path as people are searching for that soul connection which has been lost due to conventional living. This disconnected separation from Spirit i.e. 'dis-ease' can be healed by shamanism so that people remember and connect back to their true selves at the deepest level.


Rose healings /initiations, kambo & energy sessions with White Feathers Woman

Please visit here for information on the rose healings and initiations, here for the energy sessions (one to ones) and visit here for more information on Kambo with White Feathers Woman.

For the Shamanic Rose Spiral, an online training in shamanism and rose initiations followed by an intensive retreat in either Eire or the Azores please see here. Thank you.

Personalised Azores Retreats with us!

Welcome beautiful soul! You are at the bottom of the page and haven’t found what you are looking for yet … or maybe you are not sure and need a more personal approach? Well look no further, if you feel drawn to the work but are not sure where to start, or you just feel there is more to heal inside yourself, a personalised retreat may be for you. We run these on the beautiful island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, in the middle of Atlantic where Plato said Atlantis was. These are really tailored specifically to your Heart and Soul and it is your Higher Self that lets us know what you need on these retreats. If you are interested please visit this page. Thank you.

Every one of us have inside of us the innate, Infinite power to heal and help another through the impact of our LOVE.
— Deeya