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Rahanni Celestial Healing

“Of One Heart”.

Rahanni Celestial Healing is a higher level of healing that was gifted to Carol Anne Stacey in 2002 to help humanity evolve and rise in consciousness. It is a truly beautiful energy that comes in on the Pink Ray of Love and is connected to a stream of Sacred Beings that are here to help. Rahanni is helpful to pregnant women, children, adults and even animals.

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About Your Teacher

White Feathers Woman, Water Rose Priestess and Medicine Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) is an Ambassador and Guardian of Rahanni Celestial Healing (G.R.C.H.). She was led to the work with Spirit through her health and life’s experiences.

Melanie started out as a marine ecologist and worked for around 20 years in different marine sectors such as marine dive surveys, governmental organisations and conservation charities.

Melanie’s spiritual journey started off learning Reiki and Seichim then Melanie went on to study shamanism which completely changed her life.

Melanie’s introduction to Rahanni Celestial Healing was like a coming home. Melanie has been teaching Rahanni since 2014.

All Rahanni Celestial Healing courses are accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.

About Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni means “Of One Heart”. It is brought in on the pink ray and is connected to Higher beings of Light and the seven Archangels.

On the 4th August 2002 Carol Anne Stacey was awoken by a brilliant white light that flowed all around her. The light was a higher being called Lord Melchezidek, who is the universal logos or overseer of the Universe.

He told Carol that it was time for her to be lifted to a higher dimension of reality in order for her purpose to be fulfilled. Carol was given the initiation into the Rahanni energy. It was not for another two years before a connection was made to the Celestial Pink Angels and Kwan Yin, Goddess of Compassion – integral aspects of Rahanni.

This is a day I will treasure forever. For me it was like coming home I loved it and found it so empowering. Rahanni is Pure love and light. I was taken on the most amazing meditations and had questions answered that had held me back for the last 10 years. I became aware of why things happened and paths opened out in front of me. Melanie is a beautiful person inside and out and loved her as a teacher. What an amazing woman. My life changed that day.
— Catriona

Rahanni Celestial Healing Online Ascension Series with White Feathers Woman

This is an online ascension and revision course with the Rahanni Beings. It is primarily aimed at developing a deeper connection with the Rahanni beings, as we raise our vibration and open our hearts through guided meditations. It does cover theory revision of practitioners Level 1 of Rahanni Celestial Healing (no matter who your teacher was) although you do not need to have Rahanni to attend. You can also be a teacher of Rahanni to attend. Everyone is welcome if you want to get a feel for the Rahanni and the beings that work with it you are also welcome. We will go over the theory (manuals are not provided as you need to purchase those from Carol when you are a teacher). During the course Melanie (White Feathers Woman) will share personal stories about working with Rahanni during her decade or more of working with it. There will be discussion and question time. This is a 4 part series that is recorded and each purchase (88Euro, 10Euros of this goes back to Carol Anne Stacey the Founder). She has not asked for this but we only feel its right.

The first series ran in the Autumn /Winter of 2024 and the course is still available to buy as you can access all the recordings. There will be future Rahanni Ascension Courses that will run live coming again do join the newsletter at the bottom of the page to keep up to date! Thank you so much! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Love and Pink Angel Blessings Melanie

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Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioners Level 1 €200

This is a full day of training of Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioners Level 1. White Feathers Woman is also contactable for ongoing support.

Please be aware that there is a 6 month gap between Practitioners and Teachers Levels.

This days training includes, the manual, certificate and days training but does not include lunch or accommodation.

Of One Heart Rahanni Azores THree Day retreat €1750

This three day retreat is to launch you into a little piece of Heaven, within yourself and in the beautiful island of São Miguel, Azores. The price includes Whale and Dolphin watching and another excursion, the Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioners Level 1 class, manual and certificate, 4 nights accommodation in a beautiful 4 star Hotel, B and B, lunch on three days and a group dinner. It also includes free access to the Rahanni online practitioners revision course. Total cost: €1750; €750 non-refundable, non-exchangeable booking fee with the remainder payable in advance of the start date. Thank you.

Rahanni Celestial Healing TEachers Level 2 Ireland €250

This is the Teachers Level 2 class. This includes the manual, certificate, handouts, teaching cards, and the “My Rahanni Journey” MP3 (or CD) which you need to teach Rahanni. It does not include lunch or accommodation. Following this White Feathers Woman is contactable for ongoing support.

Rahanni Details

Rahanni is believed to have originated from the Milky Way, Andromeda, Sirius and the Pleiades. It vibrates on the pink ray of the heart centre and helps to release fear and negativity and open up to Truth, Love and Compassion.

It is a life force energy that is beamed from the Celestial Pink Angels to help people to connect to the Higher Beings.

It is anchored by White Eagle and the 6 pointed star.

There are only 2 levels of Rahanni Celestial Healing, Practitioners and Teachers Level (with a 6 month gap in between the levels).

Rahanni Celestial Healing is also a 5th dimensional energy, and it is helping to raise the consciousness on the planet.

It is also constantly evolving as it is a Source energy. At the moment with White Feathers Woman, there are classes which run in Galway, West of Ireland and in Sao Miguel, Azores. The Azores classes are run as full retreats with accommodation and lunch included and optional whale and dolphin watching. While the workshops in Ireland are run as a full days training and both have free access to the online Rahanni Celestial Healing revision training course but they do not include accommodation or lunch (except the Teachers class which includes just lunch).

All attunements for Rahanni Celestial Healing have to be given in person, however distant healing can be sent for online appointments (through the online bookings).

For more information on the Rahanni Celestial Healing Azores Retreat with whale and dolphin watching please visit this page.

White Feathers Woman also runs Rahanni revision days from time to time, in person and online webinars with Q and A sessions. Please join the email newsletter at the footer of this page to keep up to date! Thank you!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you and may you have a wonderful day!

Thank you to Carol Anne Stacey and the Divine Light Beings of Rahanni Celestial Healing for this beautiful and blessed energy.

From my heart I send Pink Angel Blessings to you, Melanie < 3 < 3 < 3
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Being introduced to Rahanni Celestial Healing by Melanie has been such a blessing for me and the world around me.
Melanie’s teaching of this wonderful energy has touched my heart so deeply. She embodies the Rahanni principles of Truth - Love - Compassion. She teaches from the heart and is passionate about passing on this very pure high-vibrational energy of Rahanni. The initiation ceremony in a wonderfully held space really touches your heart. Melanie is a truly beautiful soul full of light and wisdom.
I had attended angel healing workshops before which were helpful, but for me the Rahanni really opened a door to something deeper that had been shut for a long time...I recognised something I had forgotten - a truth, a beauty, something so pure, something so real...I could really connect with it. The Divine Light Beings working with Rahanni are so gentle yet profoundly powerful...and I love the pink rose which has been a powerful symbol for me since being initiated to Rahanni. I love that you can use it for self-healing as well as helping to heal others or to send distant healing. I call it in regularly for myself or to help with healing my pets as well as plants and even land.
I highly and whole-heartedly recommend attending a workshop with Melanie.
My heartfelt gratitude to you, Melanie...truly ‘Of One Heart’.
— Jessica

About Rahanni Level 1:

This is the first level of Rahanni Celestial Healing and helps you connect to the energy and to open up to it. These attunements can be given in person (stronger) or online.

At the end of the workshop, providing you have completed all components you receive the Practitioners 1 certificate. You can then practice as a Rahanni Celestial Healing practitioner.

About Rahanni Level 2:

Rahanni Level 2, Teachers, is the final level for the Rahanni Celestial Healing. You will need to provide 3 written case studies showing you have experience working with Rahanni. PLEASE NOTE Rahanni Teachers attunements are not offered online.

This attunement is Melanie’s favourite to give as it is so special.

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Included in the Level 1 class:

The following is covered during the practitioners class:

  • About Rahanni Celestial Healing, Carol’s Story, the Lineage of Rahanni.

  • Code of Ethics and the Rahanni Principles.

  • Attunement for Rahanni Practitioners Level 1.

  • The Star & the 3 minds and 4 bodies.

  • Healing with Rahanni, including distance healing.

  • Working with the Angels, Archangels and Rahanni Beings from Source.

  • Healing with animals and plants.

  • The 5th dimensional chakras.

  • Access to online Practitioners Level Rahanni Revision Course.

  • The course includes the full syllabus as set by Carol Anne Stacey.

Included in the Level 2 class:

The following is covered during the Teachers class:

  • Revision of Rahanni, Carols story and the lineage.

  • Revision of the Rahanni Principles.

  • Attunement for the Rahanni Practitioners Level 2.

  • Working with Rahanni.

  • Summary of attunements 1 and 2.

  • Practice of attunements.

  • The Kwan Yin Star Grid Activation.

  • Anything else the student wishes to go over to feel confident.

  • Learning cards and MP3 or CD.

  • Access to online Teachers free Rahanni Revision Zoom sessions.

  • The course includes the full syllabus as set by Carol Anne Stacey.

I feel so deeply honoured to pass on the Rahanni Celestial Healing energy. It touches my heart and soul every time and I feel it is such a blessing to humanity. I am ever so grateful to Carol Stacey and the beautiful beings of Rahanni Celestial Healing for this gift.
— White Feathers Woman

Please also join the Pink Angel Groups if you would like to see how White Feathers Woman works. They are on the events page and include guided meditations every month, here is a testimonial regarding the Pink Angel Groups thank you to Noelle:

Hi Melanie,
I just wanted to drop a quick message to say thank you for being the bridge.
The journey was so profound and activating for me, utterly beautiful. I cannot be grateful enough to you and the amazing beings that came through to support us. I cried with joy and sorrow, released all that needed to be, reconnected with an old friend and activated codes deep within me. I have tears when I think of it. So thank you, thank you!
Just to add that in every event I have participated in over the past year, I have gained so much guidance, wisdom and love. Both Melanie and Paul have been a blessing in my life and have changed my path for the better.
I really mean each word, I am so grateful to you both.
With love,
— Noelle Murphy Eire