Rahanni Details
Rahanni is believed to have originated from the Milky Way, Andromeda, Sirius and the Pleiades. It vibrates on the pink ray of the heart centre and helps to release fear and negativity and open up to Truth, Love and Compassion.
It is a life force energy that is beamed from the Celestial Pink Angels to help people to connect to the Higher Beings.
It is anchored by White Eagle and the 6 pointed star.
There are only 2 levels of Rahanni Celestial Healing, Practitioners and Teachers Level (with a 6 month gap in between the levels).
Rahanni Celestial Healing is also a 5th dimensional energy, and it is helping to raise the consciousness on the planet.
It is also constantly evolving as it is a Source energy. At the moment with White Feathers Woman, there are classes which run in Galway, West of Ireland and in Sao Miguel, Azores. The Azores classes are run as full retreats with accommodation and lunch included and optional whale and dolphin watching. While the workshops in Ireland are run as a full days training and both have free access to the online Rahanni Celestial Healing revision training course but they do not include accommodation or lunch (except the Teachers class which includes just lunch).
All attunements for Rahanni Celestial Healing have to be given in person, however distant healing can be sent for online appointments (through the online bookings).
For more information on the Rahanni Celestial Healing Azores Retreat with whale and dolphin watching please visit this page.
White Feathers Woman also runs Rahanni revision days from time to time, in person and online webinars with Q and A sessions. Please join the email newsletter at the footer of this page to keep up to date! Thank you!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you and may you have a wonderful day!
Thank you to Carol Anne Stacey and the Divine Light Beings of Rahanni Celestial Healing for this beautiful and blessed energy.