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Advanced Shamanic Courses

There are 3 Advanced courses with the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies. The Advanced Shamanic course is largely aimed at those who wish to heal themselves at a deeper level as well as healing others. There is an additional course to learn to heal houses and land through the sacred art of shamanic ceremony. Finally there are the Sacred Shamanic Medicine Bead Ceremonies which are initiations carried out by Great Spirit and are only for those who are truly called.

The group was amazing, supportive and a bond was created that will last a lifetime. And I say that as a shy introvert. Grey Elk is an amazing teacher, down to earth, natural and exceptional at what he does. Both he and Melanie offer continuous support from start to finish, including the in-between periods. Once you take your first step on the shamanic path, you are never alone.
— Lisa

About Your Teacher


Paul is a fully initiated igqirha ( healer/shaman in the Xhosa tradition ) and is known as Grey Elk (from the Cree Nation). The teachings are very much led by Great Spirit and encourage you to develop your own medicine while showing you different techniques and sharing medicine from Pauls own Celtic lineage and the Xhosa African lineage passed to Paul though his teacher. Paul is guided in the course and also has a very strong connection to the land and the elementals of the land (having healed almost 5,000 properties around Ireland). Grey Elk is also a pipe carrier with the Cree tradition. 



€2150 — Six modules Eire Advanced Shamanic Course

Times: Friday 1 - 7PM, Saturday 9:30AM - 6PM, Sunday 9:30AM - 5PM

Cost: €350 non-refundable non-exchangeable booking fee, €300 per module (€2150 - €150 discount applies if paying up front for entire course - €350 is non-refundable and non-exchangeable as is any module you attended - €2,000 total discounted price).

€PRICE COMING SOON — Azores intensive Advanced Shamanic Course

This course is for those who are really serious about shamanism and its power for deeper healing DETAILS AND DATES ARE TO BE CONFIRMED PLEASE REFER TO EIRE COURSE FOR THE MOMENT THANK YOU.

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Advanced Shamanic Course Details

The Advanced course with the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies is largely aimed at those who wish to heal themselves at a deeper level as well as healing others, and are very serious about the doing the work and being pure vessels for Great Spirit. 

This training is 6 modules of 3 days in length and is only open to those with completed shamanic practitioners training (proof may be required). It is aimed at healing people at a deeper level including how to deal with the darker energies that can torment people through the ways of the sacred shamanic medicine. An aspect of this course is designed to give you direct practical experience to deepen your connection with the medicine of your own soul as you further develop the connection with the archetypes of the directions and they become one with you.

The advanced shamanic course includes:

  • Developing deeper journey work.

  • Learning and refining the art of divining / dowsing.

  • Spirit release for people, sometimes including miscarriages and lost children.

  • Clearing and healing of other detrimental and unbalanced energies from the Ancestral lineage and the soul.

  • Soul retrieval on a deeper level.

  • Ceremonial practices.

  • Working with the Cauldrons.

  • Deeper work with stones and crystals.

  • Stalking awareness for plant medicine and making plant essences.

  • Connecting to sacred sites and working with their energy.

  • Connecting to the fairies or earth elementals.

  • The fire of truth helping you to find out why you are here.

  • Fire walk and Pipe ceremony

  • Anything else we are guided to do during the course.

In order to receive the certificate of completion it is necessary for you to have completed all six modules. 

The cost for the Advanced Shamanism course is €300 per module for 6 modules (payable on the first morning of each weekend) in addition to a non-refundable, non-exchangeable booking payment of €350 to book your place at least two weeks before the course but sooner confirms your place.  The total cost is 2150Euro – if you pay in full in advance of the first weekend it is 2000Euro. Accommodation or lunch is not included. Times of the course: Fridays are 1pm to 7pm and Saturday is 9.30am until 6pm and Sunday is 9.30am until 5.00pm sometimes Saturdays can go on a little later. Thank you!

Please talk to us first before you book thank you! Once you have and we give you the ok you are welcome to book through here:

Healing Houses and Land Course

This course is 4 modules in length and it is necessary that you have completed a shamanic practitioners course before you are able to do this course, ideally you will have done the Advanced Shamanic Course too. This is because we are healing the land and houses through the art of sacred ceremony and if you have no connection built with the spirits they will not respond to you. In this work you need to build a relationship and trust with the Spirit Allies and your Ancestors in Heaven. Many people do not realise this and want to cut corners. It is our aim to cover all eventualities that you will meet on the land. Grey Elk is the teacher of this course and has healed over 5000 properties.

  • To heal houses and land there is so many aspects to it including:

  • Learning how to remove and heal lines of geopathic stress (finding the lines and cracks and how to clear and heal them). 

  • Learning how to heal and clear spirit lines, yen lines, fairy lines, electomagnetic energies

  • Learning how to raise the frequencies of a place.

  • Learning deeper about Spirit release and how to heal this.

  • Learning and how to heal curses, imprints, memories and traumas on the land.

  • Learning about sacred sites and how to unlock sites and connect them to their origional Divine strength.

  • Learning about the cauldrons on the land and how to heal them.

  • Working with the Blessing Point.

  • Finding Stress Holes and Clearing them.

  • Working with remedies for land and house healing.

  • Learning to do ceremony for the house and land and which ceremony to use.

  • Distance healing of properties.

  • Anything else that Grey Elk is guided to do.

If you are interested it is necessary for you to talk to us before you enroll. This is to make sure you are ready for the course and we feel you are right for it.

The cost is initially a non-refundable, non-exchangeable booking fee of 350Euro and then 350 per module. For previous students of Pathway teaching that completed the Advanced Course prior to 2023 it is 100 booking fee and 100 a module. All students from 2023 onwards need to fully enroll as the land and house healing is no longer included in the Advanced Shamanic Course.

Please contact us if you are interested in booking. Once we give you the go ahead you are welcome to book through this link: Thank you so much for your interest in learning with us.


Sacred Medicine Bead Ceremonies

Image: Sacred Medicine Water Bead Ceremony 2022.

The Sacred Medicine Bead Ceremonies.

These ceremonies are not really a course, they are initiations into the union of the Spirits of the Elements, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Only those who are really called will be allowed to do them. These are in a different league. They have been blessed by the Essenes and also have an initiation into the Essene energy.

If you get the dreams please talk to us as the Spirits choose you. There is no room for ego in it, at times we will also get messages about who needs to do the beads.

These ceremonies are only open to those who are really called and have completed both a shamanic practitioners course and an Advanced Shamanic Course as this is the final step in the initiation process with Pathway teaching. If you are coming to us with no previous courses with us, it is a minimum requirement that you complete the Advanced Shamanic Course and already have a shamanic practitioners course with us or from somewhere else.

Following the successful completion of each ceremony you will be awarded the White, Blue, Green and Red Beads. The head beads are added on when we are told by Great Spirit you are ready.

May you walk with all their Blessings. Aho.