Healing the Lost Loved Ones
All of us in our life times go through experiencing the loss of a loved one. This can be a very traumatic time.
This workshop is specifically to help people to heal from the loss of those souls close to them, as well as help the loved ones in Spirit that sometimes need assistance to move back into Heaven. The aim of the workshop is to help bring balance and knowing that these special souls are at peace so enabling us to fully let go and move on with their best memories always in our hearts.
About Your Teacher
Paul O’Halloran is a fully initiated igqirha (healer/shaman in the Xhosa tradition) and is known as Grey Elk (from the Cree Nation). Grey Elk has healed and rebalanced around 5,000 properties in person, mostly in Ireland. He has a very strong connection to the elementals (spirits) of the land and was guided to teach shamanism. The teachings of the shamanic courses are very much are led by Great Spirit and encourage you to develop your own medicine while showing you different techniques from Native American, Celtic and African traditions. Grey Elk is also a Universal pipe carrier.
Melanie (White Feathers Woman) and Sarah (both advanced shamanic practitioners) sometimes also help out on the courses and workshops where they can.
About Healing the Lost Loved Ones
This workshop is aimed at helping both the loved ones in the Spirit world and those left behind. Having worked with Shamanic healing for over 30 years, it has been Grey Elk’s (Paul O’Halloran’s) experience that a lot of people need help to let go of the loved ones they once knew. People hold on, as to let go can be very painful in itself. In the Spirit World they may hold on too, for a number of reasons including not realising they are dead, guilt, attachment to a person or place and fear of being judged. If you feel like you are ready to let go, in accepting the loss, this workshop can help you as it connects to the Spirits of the lost loved ones making sure they are healed and back in Heaven.
The souls of loved ones can sometimes be those that have left before they were ready to go, creating a feeling of holding on and also this can also create attachment to those still living when neither party wants to let go for fear of deserting the other. But peace can never be found if we do not give our loved ones the gift of being free and allow them to ascend into Heaven where they can be at one with Source once again. This allowing helps them to be in a position to actually help us more (if it is in their Divine Will to do so). It also helps us to move on with our lives so we can do what we came to so as a soul and this is what they would wish for us.
With unresolved Spirits or with unresolved healing within the self we can bring static to the lineage of our Ancestors. What ever you choose it is our prayer for you that you and your Ancestors find true peace.
Book for the Healing the Lost Loved Ones Workshop
Please select the location Ireland or Azores of the workshop you would like to book for. The cost is 250Euro with 50Euro of this for a non'-refundable booking fee. Thank you.
“What’s broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed and no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again.”