Grey Elk (Paul O’Halloran) and White Feathers Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) are your retreat leaders, with a collective experience of over 50 years in energy work.
Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes (White Feathers Woman – Water Rose Priestess & Medicine Woman)
Melanie was led to the spiritual work through her health and life’s experiences.
Melanie trained as a marine conservation biologist and worked for 20 years in different fields. Melanie remains very passionate about the sea and has been led to believe that health and consciousness are deeply related and nature is one of our greatest teachers.
Melanie is shamanically trained and fully initiated to Medicine Woman and is also trained as a Rose Priestess and a Moon Mother. Melanie was initiated directly by the water spirits and has received a gift from the sea - the water rose. Melanie has assisted Paul with many of the shamanic courses and primarily works with rose initiations, deep soul healing, Rahanni Celestial Healing and kambo.
Paul O’Halloran (Grey Elk - Shaman)
Paul grew up on a farm in Connemara, West of Ireland, where cutting turf, saving hay and milking cows were the order of the day! Paul then went on to join the Irish army and spent 9 years serving in the forces, including being sent overseas with United Nations peacekeeping force. During this time, while serving in Lebanon, Paul had a near death experience and came home with a different outlook on life.
Paul is fully initiated in the Xhosa lineage and has many years experience of healing land and houses and people and has worked on healing around 5,000 properties in Ireland. This work has had shamanism at the very core of it and as such Paul now teaches shamanic studies at the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies. His work focuses on shamanic training through the courses and workshops and healing (both land and people).
Paul with Melanie run Pathway teaching – Healing for the Heart and Soul. Please see the website for more details thank you!
For more details on your retreat leaders please see here. Thank you.
How long are the personalised retreats?
They can be 1, 2, or 3 days totally up to you and how much you wish to do. For longer periods we run retreats for groups and retreats on set dates such as the retreat for the Shamanic Rose Spiral, the Healing for the Heart and Soul Retreat and the Water Rose Spiral.
How do I know if I am ready?
If you have anything in you that you feel you need to heal, or anything in you that you feel you could do with help to release be it a repeating story, be it repetitive dreams, emotions that seem irrational, fears that you don’t understand these can all be things that have a deeper resonance and that are there to help you to find the path into your own heart and of your souls call. We take people with no experience in energy work and with experience as long as you are open and are sincerely willing to give it a go.
If you feel you are called to this special island, that has multiple energy lines that help the evolution of the soul and the healing of the heart, you are welcome to go ahead to book a free call with us to arrange your personalised retreat or see below for the process! Thank you.