The word “shaman” originates from Siberia and means “him or her who travels to other realities for information or medicine for their community”. Being a shaman in an indigenous tribe or community is a big responsibility as the people rely on them for guidance on all aspects of life such as the weather and when to sow their crops for example. As a result, not everyone wants the burden of this responsibility.
A basic belief of shamanism is that everything is connected and that everything has a spirit or life force energy. The tree, the stone, the mountain, the water, the animals all have spirits, all have soul. All things and beings are part of the shamanic medicine wheel, the wheel of life. This wheel has four directions North, South, East and West, each of which are linked to specific archetypes from that direction.
Shamans that follow the laws of spirit do not try to dominate the earth or its animals, they strive to live in harmony and balance with all.
Shamanism to us is a connection of the deepest kind, to the medicine of life, the web of life and the oneness of Great Spirit. It has the power to connect us to the Spirits all around us and to the multidimensionality of our being. It has the ability to show us our darkest fears while holding our hand as we move through them. To us it could be described as empowering “God/Goddess in the here and now!”.
Shamanism is Love, Love of Great Spirit in all the directions, it is the power of the Ancestors lined up to help you, it is the connection to the Mother Earth, the Creator, the water, the fire, the Air and all our relations. Shamanism helps train us to re-establish our relationship with the Divine Spirit within and the helper Spirits all around us. It helps us to deepen our relationships to the plants, the animals and the nature spirits, to the star beings so we can do the work that is needed now on Earth.
You will hear and feel the call in your heart, you may not recognise it at first but it gets clearer and clearer until you can longer turn back. Shamanism will lead you home to the true Presence that you are.