About Mapacho tobacco

Mapacho plant By Wowbobwow12 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid=60520771

Nicotiana rustica (Mapacho) (Aztec tobacco, Ucuch, Tuoc Lao) is a tobacco that is most often used by the tribes in the Amazon, it has been used for over 3000 years by the South American indigenous tribes (CKPI notes). This plant is the wise one, the father or Grandfather spirit (like the Grandfather spirit of tobacco) that Native American traditions use to protect, clear, cleanse and hold space. It is a true blessing to all people who do energy work as it helps transmute dense energies and protect as it clears the way for true heart connection.

If you have ever done ceremony with ayahuasca in the Amazon with the Shipibo Conibo or other tribes they often use this tobacco as it is so strong and helpful to hold space and keep it energetically clean. It is a stimulant that boosts and cleanses us and creates mental clarity and focus (traditional use) (CKPI notes).

It is a plant that needs used with caution and can be taken by smoking it, by a tea (the mapacho initiation that White Feathers Woman is trained in from Omar Gomez (Melanie’s kambo teacher from Quantum Soul Journey) or by snuffing it as a liquid. Because of its strength there are contraindications to taking it such as no heart or lung conditions, pregnancy and it is not advisable to do the initiation if you are very unfit (Omar Gomez pers. comm.).

The benefits of mapacho include being the most valuable friend for cleaning your energy and your space and shifting a clients energy, i.e. breaking down old and stuck patterns. The benefits include strengthening the immune system and being a digestive aid (CKPI notes). More benefits also include:

Mapacho helps us to connect to the Mother Earth and to communicate with the Spirits. It is a true blessing to help us with our ascension but only when honoured and used correctly.

The initations in mapacho run from time to time so please keep an eye on the events page thank you.

Please note during the workshop you will drink the mapacho tea and it will cause you to purge after drinking water, please do not eat anything the morning of the workshop.

You are welcome to book below and if you fill in the questionnaire and we feel that due to safety reasons it is not advisable for you to take part in the workshop you will be fully refunded. Thank you.

Have a wonderful day!

Reference: Certified Kambo Practitioners International (CKPI) Kambo Practitioners Manual. Omar Gomez.