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How Shamanism May Help You….

Shamanism, this word means so many different things to different people, there are people that love it, people that the very utter of the word makes them run and hide and then those that are in the middle who may be called but are unsure.

The strange thing is, it is sometimes those that are very afraid of shamanism and unsure of commitment are those that are called and it is only a matter of time before they can resist the call of Spirit (Great Spirit /God /Goddess/One Love or Source) no longer.

Sometimes we think we are the ones in control but in reality, at times, we are only convincing ourselves, where as really, we are held in the hands of Great Spirit, kindly and honestly with a refreshing truth that jolts the sleepy from their slumber.

Shamanism has the power to support us beyond measure, it is so powerful, we would not attempt to define its power. This is why of course it evokes fear in people, it has the power to over come anything and completely free souls!

We are on the Earth and so have come here to experience Earth, therefore it’s a good idea to connect to the Mother Earth and realise why we are here so we don’t have to repeat unnecessary lessons before we get the message!

This is also why we put together this list of pointers from our own experience to help people understand shamanism and how it may help you…… hope you enjoy!

Love and blessings White Feathers Woman and Grey Elk



·      Moves you from the head into the heart.

·      Has the ability to clean and align your soul.

·      Connects you to your soul purpose and awakens it so that you recognize it.

·      Has the ability to clean and heal the Ancestor lines.

·      Has the ability to heal past and parallel lives and travel to the future to rewrite in Spirit.

·      Has the ability to connect you to the Nature Kingdom.

·      Has the ability to allow you to bond deeply with your spirit allies in the directions (different elements, earth, air, water, fire) and build relationships with them so they become your spirit helpers.

·      Heals the aspects of the elements within the self.

·      Has the ability to teach you about different energies, what they are and how to heal them.

·      Has the ability to help you recognize your true self and so deeply connect and see others i.e. you recognize your soul mates/twin flames/twin ray.

·      Is the ultimate grounding and foundation for this Earth walk.

·      Heals problems at the Source so they disappear forever.

·      Protects and heals relationships.

·      Teaches you how to navigate the worlds of Spirit.

·      Empowers prayer through ritual and ceremony and the connection you build with your spirit helpers.

·      Initiates you into your Soul Medicine.

·      Blesses you with healing tools available to no other modality.  

·      Helps to clear all your traumas.

·      Helps you to face your challenges with the support of your spirit allies.

·      Brings you from a place of fear to a place of love and peace.

·      Helps you to love self.

·      Empowers your True Self.

·      Releases you from the conditioning you were brought up with and frees your Ancestors to support others in the Earth.

·      Gives you awareness of Truth.

·      Connection with All that Is and to your community for unrivalled support on this Earth Walk.

·      And more as it connects to Divine and Infinite Spirit!


With love and blessings Aho.

For more details on shamanic training with us see here and listen to a podcast with Grey Elk and White Feathers Woman on shamanism.