Pathway teaching

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Lines on the Land

Over the years we have come across lands of such different characters, every time we visit a place it doesn’t cease to amaze us in the teachings we receive from it. The land holds the memories of all that has passed on it so each piece of land is different. So when you have people that live on the land with different types of personalities, their personalities and emotions can imprint on the land be it good or bad e.g. anger, rage, hatred, bitterness, as well as love, joy and peace etc.

There also could have been ceremony both good or bad done on the land and there could have been battles on the land or family arguments over land, and many other conditions. Once we did a place in Cork where there had been Satanic ritual carried out with human sacrifice on the land and we could see the souls of the people trapped in the place being kept in trauma. There had to be a healing done for this trauma to be released and for the place to be healed. So the land holds the imprints and the energies of the traumas all gone before it can be held on it.

As well as this, there are different types on lines that run through land. Just to mention a few, we are all familiar with geopathic stress i.e. negative energy leylines, which may be detrimental to the health of the people or animals living on the land. There are also interpersonel lines which interfere with the personalities of the people living on the land for example their relationships.

Interference lines are another type of line that can cause fridges, washing machines and other appliances to regularly break down. Then there are the spirit lines which are the highways on which the ghosts walk i.e. famine people or soldiers of war or people killed in groups that tend to wander.

Akin to this we have recently discovered fairy lines. The fairy people have been here long before us where there has been no interference from us with them. Their pathways have been previously clean and clear. However, in the modern world we apply for planning permission but we never ask for permission to build from the Spirits of the Earth, the Great Mother and the Elementals of Nature.

What we tend to do is that we impose our places on Nature instead of trying to work in harmony with it. What would be so beautiful would be for us all to honour and respect our Mother (the Earth) and to ask whereand when to build so truly providing a harmonious and beautiful environment for everyone.