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The True meaning of Friday 13th

Friday 13th is a super lucky feminine filled Divine Day, we have always had great things happen on that day. We wanted to share some extracts about the truth behind the day and how it is a wonderful day despite what some people are led to believe!

Friday 13th is a day to celebrate the Great Goddesses and to honour women, both Friday and 13 were associated with the Goddesses. The number 13 which is a number of growth, transformation and luck. Also if you repeatedly see this number, you are being reminded you are connected to Source and the Divine Ascended Masters (it is all One). When added, it equals 4 which is that of the Earth and material things and so it can represent our ability to stay connected to Divine Spirit while we are in the physical and in our bodies fully which is really a key to life! Especially if you learn to walk this Earth walk with an open heart, a clear mind and a present healthy conscience.

Women also have 13 cycles in a year, 13 moon times at the full moon (if aligned) and 13 ovulations every new moon. Women are creatures totally aligned to water and the moon whether they know it or not, there are at their best when their cycle is honoured and some work for example Moon Mother and Priestess work can help women to come back into alignment.  

Friday is also the day of Venus, the planet of Love and was associated with the early Mother Creation Goddess (Freya). The Yoruba orisha, Oshun, holds Friday sacred for abundant sensuality and femininity. In other traditions such as Norse, Friday has been linked to love, sex, fertility and creativity and in the Celtic tradition Friday was also associated with love and marriage.

The reason the number was considered bad luck was because of Judas Iscariot, a disciple and 13th attendant of the Last Supper, who betrayed Jesus Christ. The crucifixion of Christ was also on a Friday which has made people associate the two. There is more about the reasons of the suppression of Friday 13th here. During the time of patriarchy anything associated with empowering Goddesses or women was supressed so let this Friday 13th be a celebration of the return of the Goddesses in all their beautiful forms and all the Divine Luck and Love they bring!

Exercises to reclaim your inner Goddess:

Have a salt bath with rose petals and rose oil in it. Ask permission from the salt, the water and the roses and ask for their blessing to help you to reclaim your lost Feminine Self. Call on the energies of the Goddesses that wish to help you, always from the Highest dimensions and those aligned with your I Am presence. You will always know as you will feel your heart open when you connect with them. Always ask in humility. There may be one Goddess in particular that wishes to work with you. They are asking to be reclaimed and brought into full form totally aligned with the Divine.

Immerse yourself 3 times in the water asking that you be cleansed of anything that is not serving you and ask that you be aligned with your true Soul Purpose in Divine and Right timing.

If you don’t have a bath you can go to the sea to do this and call on the Goddesses of the Sea (Lunara/Yemana/Covetina…).

Bless and thank the water, the roses and the salt.

Another exercise you can do is to gather a circle of sisters and do a fire or water ceremony where after opening the directions, North, South, East and West, Mother Earth, Father Sky (Sun and Moon) all aligned to the I AM. Then you give an offering (something maybe you make when you put all your love into it) and then put it into the fire or water after talking to the fire or water asking its permission to help in carrying the prayer to Great Spirit as you ask for a return of the Divine Goddesses in their fullness in all lands and all people in Divine and right timing. Then dance and drum around the fire until you feel the energy change or until you feel to stop. Wait a while to see of any intuitions. Close the space when you are ready. Thank Divine Spirit for helping you.

Lastly call on Mary Magdalene, for those who feel it, as she is coming through many women now. Call on her and light a candle to her, ask how you can be of service to other women/the Divine (everything you ask for of course is presumed to be only for your Highest Good). Meditate on the answer then thank her and follow your guidance. Love and blessings!

Happy Friday 13th everyone! Its bound to be a lucky day!