Kambo - Medicine for the Heart & Soul


Welcome to kambo with Pathway teaching! Medicine for the Heart and Soul!

Welcome! It is such an honour to have been called to work with this little green frog. White Feathers Woman (Melanie) was called to the frog a number of years ago and fully trained as a practitioner in 2022. Melanie practices in both São Miguel, Azores and Eire (Ireland).

As the frog is an animal we take great care where we purchase our kambo and only buy it from where we know it has been treated with respect and not over harvested. Also you can be guaranteed that our sticks are not mixed with any egg white which cheaper sticks of unknown origin on the internet can have.

White Feathers Woman also has the lineage of the Matsés from her teacher Omar Gomez, who had to spend months with the tribe being tested to prove he was ready, before they gave him the lineage. The importance of the Ancestral lineage cannot be underestimated. It is absolutely vital, not only to receive the blessings and permission from the tribe which the medicine (kambo) comes from, but also to get the support in Spirit and all the wisdom from the elders in Spirit of that lineage when you are working with that medicine.

If you are getting kambo sessions ask your practitioner where does their kambo come from? Is it a male or female frog? Have they tried it on themselves before doing it on you? Do they have the lineage? Are they aware of all the contraindications of kambo and have they asked you these? (You should by right be fully refunded if you have paid and a contraindication is preventing you from attending). Safety should always come first. If you have any questions we are happy to help.

About the kambo frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor - Giant Monkey Frog…

Traditionally the kambo sapo or frog was used by around 53 tribes in the South Americas (now only 13 use the medicine of the frog; Lattanzi, 2021). Sapo actually means toad but the Matsés tribe, who call kambo acaté, did not know the word rana for frog. The kambo frog is a green frog that secretes a waxy liquid from its skin when it is feeling threatened. It is found in Brazil, Peru and the Guianas (Gorman, 2015).

It was given as a blessing to initially the people of the Kaxinawa tribe of the Upper Amazon when the tribe was ill and were not able to get well no matter what they tried. One of the tribal elders was called to do a vision quest (where you go out into nature to find answers) and he cooked a brew of yajé and drank it at sunset.

That night, in answer to his prayers, he saw a vision of a bright green frog among the leaves of an enormous tree. In the vision he was shown how to work with the frog and brought it back to the tribe and began to use it. It worked!

Traditionally the tribes have used the kambo frog for physical stamina and resistance to thirst and hunger during hunting. It has been used for fertility and for the removal of any “panema” i.e. bad luck which can represent stagnant emotions, blocks in self etc.

Kambo is also an etheogen i.e. having God within it and so it will help you with that connection in yourself as it detoxifies you physically and emotionally. In the short term it helps to create a state of alertness, good mood, greater resistance to fatigue, hunger and thirst. It also makes you feel more i.e. you become more sensitive. It has been used to help increase concentration, increase energy and increase mental clarity. (Please see references below). The long term effects have included improved health, fatigue endurance and that you don’t fall sick as much as it releases toxins from the body helping your body to recover and be stronger.

The application of the secretion reconnects us to the body’s natural wisdom, the wisdom that nature has sought and found throughout our phylogenetic evolution over billions of years” Giovanni Lattanzi, 2021.

Some people have asked “is kambo addictive” absolutely not as it is an endogenous reaction i.e. one produced by the body itself so the receptors shut down when they have had enough unlike other substances like drugs that can blast open and destroy cell receptors. In fact on the contrary, Kambo has been known to help cure addictions (Lattanzi, 2021).

All kambo used with us is from a source we personally know. They are all wild frogs and are released back into the wild after the secretion has been harvested.

Kambo Peptides:

It is the numerous peptides (strings of amino acids) in Kambo that give it its amazing properties. These peptides are only strong in wild frogs and frogs in captivity lose the potency of the effects that the wild frogs carry.

The peptides can perform hormone like tasks as well as supporting vital cellular processes such as learning, memory and metabolism or neuro transmitters (RHC manual 2022). “Certain peptides have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, while others stimulate the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland and reproductive system. Some possess potent analgesic powers. Others inhibit the growth of tumour cells, and antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal peptides are also found”. RHC manual 2022.

Candice Pert in Molecules of Emotion stated that peptides can be seen as the keys that open the doors i.e. specific brain receptors.

It was the scientist Professor Vittorio Erspamer who was based in Rome that discovered many of the peptides during his extensive 50 years of research on amphibians and other species. In a letter between Peter Gorman and Professor Erspamer (Gorman, 2015). Erspamer stated that kambo peptides could have wide ranging therapeutic potential for disorders that threaten brain function, inflammation, blood circulation problems, pituitary gland, hormonal issues including thyroid problems and male and female infertility.

The peptides are (From Lattanzi, 2021, and from the RHC manual 2022):

Bradykinins - (Phyllokinin) potent vessel dilator and this peptide along with Phyllomedusin can cross the brain blood barrier. Contracts the non-vascular smooth muscle, increases vascular permeability and are related to the mechanism of inflammatory pain. This is the one that makes the face swell during kambo.

Tachykinins (Phyllomedusin) longest scientific history, it binds with the brain receptors involved in the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system and immune system. Tachykinins have been known to help motor activity, memory, anxiety, depression, asthma, allergic diseases and inflammation. Phyllomedusin also helps to purge the bowels. It produces contraction at the level of the muscles and increases secretions of the entire gastrointestinal tract, salivary glands, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas and gall bladder. The medusins are antimicrobial and antifungal.

Dermorphin and Deltorphin: Both these peptides were isolated by Erspamer, they are both opoid peptides and have similar effects to morphine but are more powerful. They are almost indentical to the beta-endorphins that the human body produces when in pain. Endorphins influence mood, physical activity, sleep, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, bowel movements and body temperature. Along with cerulein they are the most active of the pain killing peptides.

Caeruleins (Phyllocaerulein) and Sauvagine: Stimulate the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal gland axis as well as the pineal gland. They recharge the adrenals, increase sensory perception and alertness, boost physical endurance. They cleanse the glands of the endocrine including the pineal. Cerulein also stimulates smooth muscle and helps with digestion as well as resetting the pancreas.

Adenoregulin: Acts on the body through adenosine - a receptor that is connected to the production of energy inside cells. It helps the outer coating (myelin sheath) of the nervous system cells to regrow and repair hence its implication in some of the degenerative nerve diseases. Adenoregulin also has very important role in the bodies ability to react to attacks from viruses, fungi and bacteria. There is information out that Adenoregulin may actually be the same as Dermaseptin B2. More information coming soon!

Dermaseptin B2: Has been shown to inhibit cancer, restores healthy blood vessels, has antitumouric properties, antimicrobial effects on bacteria, protozoa, parasites, fungi and viruses. Helps with lymes disease and has immune modulating effects.

Bombesins (Phyllolitorins, Rhodeilitorin): thermoregulatory effects, smooth muscle contraction and cell growth.

Tryptophyllins - inhibition of cancer cells, effects on smooth muscle and inhibits microorganism growth.

Espamer (1985) stated that another linear peptide and three diketopiperazines should be added to the list.

How Kambo can help people:

  • Kambo activates 16 receptors in the brain making them more sensitive and stronger.

  • Cleans and detoxes the body (in particular liver, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestine, lungs and pineal gland).

  • Stimulates pineal, pituitary and adrenals.

  • Resets DNA and the electromagnetic field of the body.

  • Helps with infertility in men and women.

  • Makes body physically stronger and helps to create a strong immune system.

  • Helps to face stress.

  • Removes “panema” or bad luck i.e. energy imbalances.

  • Activates adenoregulin - increases ability of cells to defend against microbes, virus and bacterial attacks. Please note it is a contraindication that no covid vaccine can be taken within 6 months of kambo. Thank you.

How is kambo administered?

The top layer of skin is removed with a hot tamishi vine in a small dot and the secretions from the frog are put on the skin. You may feel sick for a time you may or may not purge as the kambo takes the panema from you. The ceremony lasts 20 minutes or more. Melanie only does one person at a time.

Each session is 180Euro. Allow 2 hours or more as the ceremonies are not rushed and you cannot leave until Melanie knows you are ok to drive again. Thank you. For repeat sessions within the same month its 150Euro (the tribal dose is 3 sessions within a full moon cycle - this way kambo’s spirit is at one with you).

White Feathers Woman Medicine Woman’s call to kambo:

Melanie’s (White Feathers Woman) call to the kambo started over 10 years ago but it took a while for her to fully step into giving it to others.

The connection to the kambo started when asleep at night Melanie began waking up to hear frogs calling and walking up the wall, she would wake up and look for them but there was nothing in the room. This happened more than once. Then one night Paul said her hands went in the air and her body arched like a frog in her dream state. So when she was told about the kambo ceremony happening in Ireland on the Saturday 23rd January 2010 (the day after her birthday!) she signed up with Paul. That night there were many people there and the kambo was given to Melanie just above her ankle, quite a few dots about 7 to 9. Immediately Melanie left her body and remembers clearly being in space in the darkness, there were stars and a clear blue woman, came to look at her. Melanie could see a really bright doorway of Divine Light and she was heading there. There was some one standing in the doorway but before Melanie got there she had jumped back into her body and started to throw up. It was a near death experience but Melanie was stopped from crossing over as it just wasn’t time. Melanie could hardly move after it and they had to lift her as she had lost all her strength as it was a really deep healing. She had no choice but to surrender to it. During the experience Melanie was told that her body arched and my hands and feet went up like the frog again. The next day Melanie headed straight home as her Granny had crossed over that night and it was her that had been standing in the doorway of Divine Light.

It is also ironic that as a child Melanie gave her father, who has South American connections from Guyana where the frogs are, a lucky green ceramic frog that he always carried!

Over the years Melanie attended kambo ceremonies periodically although it was not until 2021 that she really began to commit to it as the call got stronger and stronger. A spirit guide comes forward and beckons to Melanie when she needs to do it.

In my heart I know this medicine, when used carefully and honoured, can help so many people. It certainly has been a complete blessing for me and has given me my life back. The kambo helped me to heal physically as well as helped me emotionally and spiritually. It continues to work on me. I would wish that everyone who works with kambo honours where it comes from and takes the time to receive the Ancestral lineage as without this, there is no support of the Matsés tribe in Spirit, the Ancestors who have gathered all the wisdom from this little frog and who know it inside out! I feel this is more important than many people realise. It is with great respect and honour I pass this medicine on to those who are called and to those who I feel it is safe for them to receive it”.

White Feathers Woman Medicine Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes)


Erspamer, V., Melchiorri, P., Falconieri Erspamer, G., Montecucchi, P. C., de Castiglione, R. (1985). Phyllomedusa skin: a huge factory and store house of a variety of active peptides. Peptides, 6, Suppl 3: 7 - 12.

Gorman, P. (2015) Sapo in my Soul. Gorman Bench Press.

Lattanzi, G. (2021). Kambo and Iboga Synergy of Entheogens. Printed on Amazon.

Pert, C. (1999). Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. A Touchstone book published by Simon and Schuster.

Rainforest Healing Center (RHC) and CKPI (Certified Kambo Practitioners International) Kambo Apprenticeship Manual 2022.

If you do wish to book with us we will assess your questionnaire and please be aware that if we feel kambo is not for you, you will receive a full refund. This is because certain conditions like for example heart conditions there is too much risk to do kambo with. Thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.