Online Workshop Series with Mandaza:
Now completed. Thank you to those who attended.
Love and blessings.
About the Online Series with Mandaza Peacemaker:
We are very honoured to be hosting Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa, Healer, Peacemaker, and Keeper of Ancient African Wisdom. During this 6 biweekly series Mandaza will cover topics surrounding the sacred knowledge of Spirit and our connections to it. He may give you homework to do to help you connect and embody what he is describing in between sessions which will be discussed at the Question and Answer session at the end of each session. Please be sure to write down any dreams you have been having before and during the series. Mandaza will cover the following topics:
Workshop 1 - 22nd September: Who is this one we call Spirit? The God, the Goddess, the Ancestors. What messages do they wish humanity to know? How to connect with the Divine Spirits? Mandaza will talk in depth about this subject.
Workshop 2 - 6th October: The Beings of Spirit: the birds, the animals, the mountains, these great and beautiful beings of Mother Earth - what are their messages, what knowledge do they wish us as human beings to know and embody. Mandaza will talk about this in depth during this session.
Workshop 3 - 20th October: The Water Spirits: Mandaza has been initiated in the water spirits and the planet is mostly water, our bodies are mostly water. Water permeates into all the other elements. Mandaza will talk about the water spirits, the whale and dolphins and their messages to us. How to connect with the water spirits so we can be in harmony with them.
Workshop 4 - 3rd November: Healing the Self and the Collective: During this session Mandaza will talk about the collective mass consciousness and how we can become pure vessels for the Divine. He will touch on working with the other elements Earth, Air and Fire and how to be in balance with all. He will also talk about any other aspects of Great Spirit that he is guided to cover during this session.
Workshop 5 - 17th November: Ceremonies: During this session Mandaza will talk about the importance of ceremony and also dreams and dream interpretation. We are in a time where ceremonies can make a difference to our own healing and the healing of the collective. Mandaza will share his knowledge on this and anything else he is guided to share.
Workshop 6 - 1st December: This is the final session series which will include questions in more depth that have come up during the series, there will be group discussion and you will be able to bring up topics that you feel you would like Mandaza to answer and discuss.
We hope very much you enjoy this series. Blessings be to all.
To book the entire series please visit this link and to book a single session ticket its this link. Thank you!
The recorded series is available to those on the course and is available here.
Daré Gathering with Mandaza:
Galway, Dates to be confirmed.
About Mandaza:
Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa is a Healer, Peacemaker, and Keeper of Ancient African Wisdom. Born and raised in Svikiro, Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia during the apartheid/colonial era, he grew up in the rural areas in a Christian background. He later studied to be a teacher and later also joined the Police force which he served as both teacher and police chief inspector. During that time he resisted his call as a healer and medicine man which later took its toll leading to an unstable life with no peace as he received dreams and visions but did not know what to do with them. He later got help from a Traditional healer who initiated him and helped him embrace his gifts and this led to early retirement from the police force as he became a fully fledged healer and medicine man.
Mandaza has written various books about his life and teachings, and his most recent work is 'World of Nature' which can be purchased online. He has also written, jointly with Michael Ortiz Hill, Twin from Another Tribe: The Story of Two Shamanic Healers in Africa and North America and a third book The Village of the Water Spirits by M. Hill and Mandaza.
He has travelled vastly across the globe offering teachings, healing ceremonies and performing various rituals. He is an advocate for Mother Nature and he encourages us all to RESPECT nature as this is the source of life.
Mandaza is a vessel uniting Earth, Water and Universal Spirits. He receives dreams and visions and encourages us all to be living prayers and embrace truth, pure love and justice..."
The community gathering or Daré, (a word from the Shona language), which will happen in 2022, is a coming together of community to give and receive healing to one another and the community at large - to share ideas, stories, dreams and gifts; to create and to celebrate; to honour Spirit - and between us, to find the wisdom to proceed on a path of peacemaking.
Daré is composed of all the members of the community: living and non-living, visible and invisible, human and non-human - the people, trees, plants, animals, stones and elementals. When all the Beings gather, Daré comes to be.
For more details please see Mandazas website.
The itinerary of Mandaza is below - please be aware that if you wish to book a one to one appointment you need to pay by cash on the day - a credit card also will be needed for booking individual appointments to prevent no shows. Thank you for your understanding.
Mandazas Itinerary: