This retreat is open to people with absolutely no experience of any energy work or those with experience that would like to open further to truth, love and compassion.
The Of One Heart Rahanni retreat takes place in the Azores, an archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic, one of the places where Plato said Atlantis was. It is a true haven for cetaceans (whale and dolphins) and even the large blue whale which comes in the spring each year. It is held on the island of São Miguel, the main island in the Azores archipelago.
We are honoured to be working with an excellent company with a passion for the marine environment, Terra Azul Eco Tour Operator based in Villa Franca. During the retreat, weather permitting, we go on a whale watching tour although if you are staying on it is well worth another visit to Terra Azul to fit in swimming with dolphins! If the weather calls off our trip be rest assured we will have an Azorean outing up our sleeve for you to experience instead!
Rahanni Celestial Healing is particularly connected to the dolphin and whale spirits as it originates from the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda. During the workshop we do meditations to connect with these beautiful beings.
The nature of Rahanni, as it is a spiritual energy that comes from Love (i.e. Divine Source) it works with your Higher Self. There are only 2 levels in Rahanni Celestial Healing with a 6 month gap in between.
This retreat works with the Rahanni energy to allow you to connect with the Divine Spiritual Beings of Rahanni (all from Divine Source) and shares tips and techniques with you for your own wellbeing. It also includes energy work that is different for each group as this is guided intuitively.
White Feathers Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) leads this retreat.