Rahanni Celestial Healing Elixirs



Welcome to the Rahanni Celestial Healing Elixir page!

What an honour it has been to create these beautiful gifts from Divine Spirit!

Thank you so much for visiting!


How the Rahanni Elixirs came into being….

It was in the autumn of 2021 that White Feathers Woman, (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) had a lucid dream where 3 bottles appeared, one white one, pink and one blue and the word “Elixirs”. Melanie continues:

“Those have always been my favourite colours, and I just put the intention up to Divine Spirit for guidance how and when to make them.

Then as I was sitting peacefully in our garden one evening it came straight in, the pink one is from Andromeda, the blue one is the Pleiades, and the white one is Sirius. “Those are the Rahanni planets” I thought to myself so I wrote to Carol Anne Stacey the Founder of Rahanni in September of 2021 and she replied that she had been told by the guides that these would be coming to enhance Rahanni.

Carol said “you have my blessing to create these with your Love and Light in the name of Rahanni”. I feel so deeply honoured to have been the vessel with which the Divine Rahanni Beings have poured their love.

You can rest assured that I have got out of the way to create these, they are from Divine Spirit, and they took so long as Spirit (Great Spirit/Source) had to wait several years for me to finish the 3rd level Rahanni initiation (the guides were calling it Magdalene Initiation) that took me deeper into Truth, Love and Compassion within myself.

The elixirs have been made from flowers, plants, crystals, oils, Divine Celestial Alignments from the Autumn of 2021 into 2022 and beyond. During this time there has been unprecedented changes happening on the Earth, there has been in full the return of the White Flame and the merging of the full Power and Strength of the Golden Flame back to oneness and Divine balance which we are still embodying. This is also what the Elixirs are helping to do. They are auric sprays that help to lift the vibration and help us to embody the changes that have already happened in Divine Spirit. The Master Elixir Bottles are also are put out when we are guided under the energy of the stars and the sun. They carry the energy of Truth, Love and Compassion.

About the Rahanni Elixirs

Each Elixir works in different ways. The master bottles are added to as and when guided this is why when you order a bottle it will be aligned to “now” and not stored and they come from the Azores, so please be patient with your order. This is much appreciated thank you.

The elixirs contain remedies from stones, flowers, sacred wells, Azorean ocean water (thank you Sophia), crystals, Azorean fresh water and remedies from celestial alignments as and when guided (from the autumn of 2021 onwards).

The White Elixir TRUTH, is particularly connected to Serapis Bey and the White Flame, the Cosmic Mother.

The Pink Elixir LOVE, is particularly connected to Lady Vessa from Andromeda and will particularly help us to open our hearts.

The Blue Elixir COMPASSION, is particularly connected to the High Council on the Pleiades.