Rose Initiations with White Feathers Woman
Welcome to the Rose Initiations with White Feathers Woman - Medicine Woman & Water Rose Priestess, Sophia Rose (for white and pink roses) and Grey Elk (for red and blue roses).
Roses represent a deeper love, of heart, of beauty, and of the connection to the sacred divine feminine. The energies of the roses are helping both men and women, to heal and to further connect and open their hearts as everyone is embodying the energy of the Sacred feminine, the Holy Sophia and all her love in full glory and in perfect balance with the Sacred Masculine - Christos Light.
Each rose has a different frequency, the White Rose brings in the platinum white flame, helps clean and clear the soul, connects to the Highest Frequencies and is also connected to Archangel Gabriel and Hope and to water. The White Rose is also connected to the Holy Sophia, Mother Mary and it helps the return of purity and innocence as it illuminates anything in your soul that needs healing. It is a blessing for our ascension.
The Pink Rose is the one that helps to connect the white and the red rose as it is a heart based energy, (why also the Rahanni Pink Rose is Pink!). This rose is especially connected to Kwan Yin, the heart rose priestesses, Lady Nada and the Mother Earth, it helps you to open your heart further on your path to working with the Earth. It also helps bring in compassion and connects everything in the ALL THAT IS - Pure Source - Love in the Heart.
The Red Rose is very connected to the Red Rose Grail priestesses of which Mary Magdalene is one, it is the one that helps you fully ground in your body, it “roots your soul”. When you are fully embodied you attract more abundance, your soul light flows from you without effort and you are less vulnerable as you are less swayed by other energies. The red rose is do with empowerment and the energy of fire, it not only heals and deepens your sexuality, it can also help to heal the womb in women or hara in men and helps to reawaken the sacredness that has often been lost. The Red Rose, like the blue rose has a connection with the Black Rose, the rose of the primordial void, death and rebirth. When the red and the white rose are used together this can help to bring in sacred union. The red, pink and white roses also help to balance the 3 fold flame of power, love and wisdom in the body and through the heart.
The Blue Rose is very connected to Yeshua, Sar’h, Mother Mary, the Pleiadeans, the Arcturians and the Higher Light Christ Codes. It is connected to the cosmic sea and it helps open the gateway to oneness and helps us to bring in our starseed consciousness. It is totally cosmic.
The black rose is the connection to the sacred void, the primordial mother, as deep as we can go into the dark holy womb and Goddess Isis or the Black Madonna. It is the space in which we can use to rebirth ourselves and to get the help in letting go of what is no longer serving (death/rebirth). You can also use the black rose to send into situations to rebirth them to dissolve the energy into nothingness and then align its rebirthing to the I AM Highest Source. It is truly a beautiful gift. There is so much happening on the planet, a deep unravelling of that which has gone before that which does not serve us has to go. Sometimes there is resistance and turbulence before things get straightened out and sometimes in order to truly heal we need that depth of sacred space into the sacred darkness. The black rose is only done online.
White Feathers Woman has been gifted with a Water Rose initiation from the Higher Ascended Beings of the Water. Please see for more details thank you.
In each of the workshops we will go into more detail of each rose and work with them and learn how to use them to heal. There will be the activation, then meditations and exercises to work with them so you can build them into your practice.
Some people will feel a natural affinity for the energy of the roses as they have worked with them before, such as those who were part of or connected with the Sisterhood of the Rose or Rose Knights in past lives. All these energies are awakening and being remembered. Listen to your heart and soul and you will know.
“Hi Melanie,
I wanted to send you an email to say thank you thank you thank you, I am so grateful to you for the beautiful journey from the beginning to the very end, it was absolutely beautiful.
I felt it in every cell of my body, I felt such a deep remembrance and connection to the energy of the Black Rose.
I am so infinitely grateful to you!
The imagery of the swans towards the end of the meditation was absolutely beautiful and reminded me of when I was a child, I strongly associate that heart swan symbol with my childhood.
What an absolutely amazing experience, thank you so much.
Lots of love 😘 ”
One to One Rose Sessions
One to one sessions are also available with White Feathers Woman for the Rose healings and initiations online (and in person although only where specified). The one to one healings (150E) can be booked through here, please remind us that you wish to have a rose healing session. The Rose Activations online can be booked though here (200Euro). Please contact us if you have any questions thank you.
About White Feathers Woman - Water Rose Priestess & Medicine Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes)
White Feathers Woman (Melanie) trained in the rose medicine with several teachers although the roses were not fully embodied until Melanie experienced a full soul walk in during a kambo session with White Feather Hawk (Christina O’Riordan) where a Magdalene Priestess dressed in red, walked into Melanie. Melanie trained with Leyolah Antara from the Mystery School of Alchemical Arts and the Magdalene Rose Temple. Melanie has also been working with Rahanni Celestial Healing (pink rose and white / gold frequencies) for over a decade. Melanie was initiated into the White Flame or Illumination (which also had the White Rose) with Judith Kusel. Melanie is a fully initiated Medicine Woman and her work is all about getting out of the way to allow the Highest Source Frequencies (your I Am Presence) unique to you, completely aligned with your heart and your soul to express themselves through you. It was the water spirits that directly initiated Melanie 3 times under water hence the name water rose priestess. Melanie is also a Moon Mother® after training with Miranda Gray. Melanie practices in both São Miguel, Azores and Eire (Ireland), please see here to read more about Melanie.
How to book:
You are welcome to book one workshop or all three, they are run online or in person.
Energy exchange: 250Euro per workshop in person and 200 for online (200E for in person Students and unwaged or if 2 people book together). If you book red, pink and white rose workshops together its 600Euro in person for online discount for all 3 roses red, pink and white, please contact us thank you. The Blue Rose, Yellow Rose and Black Rose are booked on their own and are not part of a package. Thank you!
Photos: White, Pink, Red, Credit to Unsplash. 4th Pink: Melanie, Blue wallpaper cave.
The workshops are run every summer for white, pink and red with blue at Christmas. Only the black, red, pink yellow and white are included in the Shamanic Rose Spiral. Please contact us for discount codes if you are student or unwaged or more than one person is booking thank you. Booking links for the non-refundable, non-exchangeable 50Euro for each of the individual rose workshops are below and also payment in full for the 3 roses (white, pink and red). The blue rose workshop is booked individually.
After full payment and booking of the 3 (white, pink, red) rose workshops all at once, if for any reason you do not wish to attend, you will be refunded (minus 50Euro) the workshops you did not attend. The 50Euro is kept for admin fees. Thank you so much.
Thank you to Aine for this Rose review on Trust Pilot
For all dates, times and countries please see the events list, thank you so much!
White Rose Initiation:
Pink Rose Initiation:
Red Rose Initiation:
Blue Rose Initiation not included as part of the rose discount package:
Thank you so much your support is so much appreciated!
Thank you to Eagle Medicine Woman of Soul Path Holistic for the venue for the Rose workshops in Eire.
Love and deep rose blessings!