The Blessing of the Name Grey Elk

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Thank you so very much to everyone who came to the Grandmothers workshop last weekend. We have been so humbled and honoured to host two amazing Grandmother Elders, White Elk Medicine Woman and Unity Star for a 2 day workshop and individual sessions last weekend. These two ladies are truly amazing, Grandmother White Elk from the Cree/Salteaux Nation and Grandmother Unity Star, both truly gifted healers. From the bottom of our hearts we thank them for blessing us with their presence and sacred medicine.

Many years ago Paul had a lucid dream about doing Sundance ceremony. During the last summer we got the invitation (thanks to Dr Bruce Lipton!) and Paul attended the ceremony as a helper with the Cree First Nation people near Calgary, Canada. During this time Paul was blessed to receive his name "Grey Elk" from the Sacred Tree of Life and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers in Spirit. This is where Paul met Rosie White Elk Medicine Woman.

This is what Rosie White Elk Medicine Woman has to say about Paul:

"When you stand in the field where poppies grow....

You will see an amazing light so bright....

The colours so brilliant, as the Tree of Life, from our Sacred ceremony the 'Sundance'. 

Only the Spirits go there, then the clouds moved aside and a huge mighty grey force stepped forth.. with a grin as big as the wind. 

He said, as he strolled into the presence of many... 

"My name is 'Grey Elk' I stand tall and proud to know that the Elders called me so clear"....

I did not know what to say as I felt Spirit so strong. 

"Can I sit and carry this amazing energy and responsibility?" "Yes" Spirit said "reclaim your birth right and speak from the heart, as you do send love as mighty as the mountains through the grasslands to awaken many". 

White Elk came and introduced herself so clear and so proud to see her long lost brother standing there....

"Who are you? What is your name?" Then he spoke like the 'thunder' and I shook... "I am Grey Elk" and I said with a grin "Yes you are!" 

With love and blessings White Elk Medicine Woman