The Light of New Beings

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When a woman gets pregnant sometimes the light of the incoming soul can be so bright combined with the Mothers light it brings up tremendous healing. In our experience the incoming soul actually helps to prepare the mother for holding the space for the baby.

Recently a pregnant lady had come to us as she had been waking up in the night with pains in her side and tummy. She had been taken into hospital because of this as they did not want to take any chances as she had had a miscarriage before. We always encourage people to get checked out by a medical doctor if there are physical symptoms at all. In this case the medical profession could not find anything wrong so she was sent home.

During the session what transpired was that there was a very angry female Ancestor from the female side that did not want her to have children, as well as another Earth bound spirit on the land by the door (a female again) who did not want anyone to come into the house.

Both these spirits were angry and were very dense in vibration so able to cause physical sensations. Both were moved on back to their proper place in the Universe in the Spirit World. The lady has not had any pain since and now has 2 beautiful children.

Blessings be to all the beautiful beings!